
EVE new status bar upgrade video talks missile effects and more updates

This is in the new patch days of the garden of Eden. Today's date is the EVE ISK first upgrade in the street the hell on action to expand, so of the communist party of

China has launched a new development to all your network video diary of a spacecraft racing remind more related changes.

Today is the Chinese communist party leadership custom acoustic talk of the head. He required us through the fixed drone area, the party wants to online mining trade

the night. "Do not mining by digging than shooting a NPCS," sound waves noodles have no facial expression.

Invasion and pay was also adjusted monster, although not promise sound waves too much time on that specific detailed video of a bit. He does show that the new method

of eve
Results it, though. In this patch, pilots must be through the general situation of the game hunting comfortable, but now there is a status bar above hull/armor and

shields readings to display relevant information battle at a glance.

Finally, the communist party of China has been hard at work in the EVE ISK reconstruction of missile effect. The night of the adjustment of follow the final year of

the turret upgrade deliver even more visual ohs and ahs eve battle. More details, please refer to you after the clip wound.

