
EVE Evolved: All there is to know about dirt 514

Last week, EVE on the net developer CCP Games officially started accepting beta signups for its upcoming MMOFPS dirt 514. This principal cycle of closed beta assessments will be open only to active EVE on the net subscribers, providing us an earlier opportunity to contribute suggestions to the game's development ahead of console players. I believe that's important because of the fact it's our universe the fact that game will take place in -- literally. dirt 514 game enthusiasts will be connecting to EVE Online's supercluster, so gameplay amongst the two titles will be intimately linked in realtime.

With the new game's launch day founded for the summer 2012, EVE game enthusiasts can expect the next big expansion to focus heavily on planetary control and the dirt 514 link. The past thirty days has been flush with new information on DUST's customisable vehicles, squirrel away suits, infantry weapons and more. We've even experienced a look under the hood at the server structure which will retain the planet-bound battles fast and furious without lagging out the EVE game enthusiasts smashing each and every other to bits in orbit.

In this week's EVE Evolved, I collect together all the key information on dirt 514 introduced this thirty days and discuss what it signifies for EVE on the net players.


