Even if everyone pulls course with his character, courageous, Buy EVE ISK Buy EVE ISK brave and confident in every fight, ueveisk interests us, what happens to our avatars, when they die. In EVE 2, ueveisk was common for a character after his death without his equipment in the EVE ISK city of the EVE ISK respective act "woke up" and his life and Manahaushalt was restored. Now ask yourself a lot of players, as in EVE 3 will be Communitmanager Bashiok and gave us in the EVE ISK ueveisk .com forum an answer.
'Before I address the EVE ISK real issue is dedicated, let me lose a few words about the EVE ISK mechanisms of death. We want to separate the EVE ISK security in the EVE ISK city and out in the EVE ISK quest / adventure / dungeon as much as ueveisk is, so that one decision to leave the Buy EVE ISK Buy EVE ISK EVE ISK safety of the EVE ISK city does not take lightly. We do not remove that sense of danger, by making the EVE ISK city into something to which you can return at any time. We want this to be in town and not be further separated in town and thus provide the EVE ISK time outside the EVE ISK city with more tension.
At the EVE ISK same time we do not remove the EVE ISK player from the EVE ISK action as ueveisk always thrown back into the EVE ISK city if he dies, is counterproductive and not exciting, interesting and not have to.
With these things in mind, we have determined that a checkpoint-System works really well. During an adventure, and generally at the EVE ISK end of each level of a dungeon, the EVE ISK character stored at a checkpoint. When you die, ueveisk will be brought back to that checkpoint with only a little bit of life energy left, the EVE ISK rest regenerates slowly. There is obviously a very conciliatory system, ueveisk is simply too early to invest a lot of thoughts in sentences, they are then if ever placed on the EVE ISK system just explained.
Although nothing more, possible penalties times aside, this is the EVE ISK death mechanism that we currently use and ueveisk works very well. "
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