Today we have already presented you a video for the EVE ISK new artisans and shown some screenshots from the EVE ISK Gamescom 2010 Fair. Now there is more information in the EVE ISK presentation and subsequent question and answer session, which we have summarized for you.
the EVE ISK hardcore mode is confirmed and friends of you see ueveisk in the EVE ISK ueveisk .com set items are for EVE 3 confirmed still not sure whether developed or found items are better, EVE ISK EVE ISK the EVE ISK number of bases of an object depends on the EVE ISK subject of an ex-gold has a important role in EVE 3 Many things are expensive, such as crafting treasure chest has become much larger (about 2 / 3 of the EVE ISK screen). More space must be purchased but there is no city portals, waypoints but already the EVE ISK inventory in EVE EVE ISK EVE ISK 3 is similar to that of EVE 2 and now quite ready weapons, armor, shields need in your inventory as much space (2 slots), everything else 1 slot. the EVE ISK minimap is in EVE 3 clearer and shows, among other things, dealers and other NPCs at the EVE ISK moment there are no plans for a EVE 3 console version there are in any case the EVE ISK possibility of objects between characters to be exchanged, whether by a common trunk or a mailbox still unclear up to 4 players can be a group and get a bonus in the EVE ISK group game Erfahrungsunke body no longer needs to be collected, if your character dies. You land at a checkpoint and repair costs have get more information on the EVE ISK three apprentices Smith, mystics and jewelry you to our new site craftsmen. As soon as we learn new things, we will report on it.
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