"We recently made changes to objects that grant stealth detection. We felt that such items were considered necessary in the EVE ISK competitive PvP and players forced to low-level objects have to use, even if they had access to higher stage.
the EVE ISK following item will no longer be used in the EVE ISK arena: Ultra spotting Tropical Vision Goggles By following items stealth detection was removed:
All epic engineering goggles the EVE ISK stealth detection following items has been reduced:
Ultra Goggles Catseye Buy EVE ISK Buy EVE ISK Dragon Leather Gauntlets Blood Guard's Dragonhide Gauntlets Marshal's Dragonhide Gloves Captain's Dragonhide Gloves warlords Bloodvine lens Dragonhide Grips of the EVE ISK Captain's Dragonhide Grips of the EVE ISK Blood Guard the EVE ISK Night Watchman These changes are already active and the EVE ISK tool tips will be updated with the EVE ISK next small patch. "
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