In order to analyze the game more specific information,even in the swtor credits parts,the manufacturers give players more sample and hope to give them the general idea about the Star Wars: The Old Republic.Zoeller take the
Tera Gold Tython map out and show the soldiers players death, yellow dot represents a single death, while the orange dot is team died. Players feedback seems it is very scattered and irregular, but the map can display a specific area, such as caves, in which not only will new players be killed, the team will face the new group off, so the team realized they needed some adjustments.
Data can even be used to explain the players death reason, to show a specific point of uplift will produce what kind of things as well as a potential impact. See the point which on behalf of patrol strange how players will be affected, after the removal of a specific location monster reborn to help balance the game experience better.
Another way to analyze data is to create the text and observe the cloud game chats. If the statement "how" or "how do I" appear frequently, by filtering out these sentences on these issues you will get the general concept of the source and frequency. For example, the player may have their first companion was puzzled, not teaching help, players will be in the chat box to put forward their questions.
The tools development team used allow the game to run the
Buy Swtor Credits optimization. Numbers and the color code indicates the moving objects density on the map. Optimization in the region is also true. Area has a lot of material is difficult to carry, so the team can use the color code to mark the material and if necessary, close it, or to maintain the game's art style and make adjustments.
Bioware using 3D instead of 2D tools to analyze the data because it can display more information and zoom freely, easy to read. For example, in the planet Ord Mantell, regional shows place of death in 3-D map, can easily see the death place of players.He also showed a map of the battlefield, you can still see the map on both sides of the middle point of the death of dense, that the balance of this map is well-adjusted. Even subtle movements can also be stripped out of these tools, such as observed in which the player reconnects, or when faced with fork when 68% of players chose the right.
Finally, he said that if you do not play your own game, then countless tools can not help you. Similarly, direct asking testers to find data much easier than yourself, but also more likely to receive valuable information. Hope all of you will have a good time in the game.
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