
Star Wars The Old Republic Will Proceed Stress Tests And Open To All Players

"Star Wars: The Old Republic" will be start on-line operation in December in Europe, in order to test the game server, BioWare decided to open stress test Tera Gold of servers in this month, this test open to all players.We all know that the game is coming and more and more news and information about it released. About swtor credits,companion system and so on.

From last week, there are some players began to receive invitation to the test, and later in this month, "Star Wars: The Old Republic," the biggest test will be start, this test is to prepare for the operation of the game, pressure on the server test.

All applicants are eligible for testing, the official will be within the following week to send a test invitation, so the player must have applied to pay attention to their mailbox. In addition, the current players who have not yet applied, there is no need to worry, this is officially open the invitation, the official will be sent through a variety of activities, a large number of test invitation.

"Star Wars: The Old Republic" is scheduled to be landing in North America in December 20, December 22 visit to Europe. Game monthly subscription fee of $ 14.99, three-quarter subscription fee of $ 41.97, that is $ 13.99 per month, six months subscription fee of $ 77.94, $ 12.99 per month.If you Buy Swtor Credits are interested in the game you can try to have some time in the testing,hope all of you will have a good time.
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