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rash ofaccount hacks reported by players over the past few days is par
for the course. That's the explanation Blizzard gave to the many
frustrated fans who have logged on to Diablo 3 and discovered their
hard-earned gold and loot is gone. Our website has not been compromised,
the publisher said, and your best defense is still the additional
security provided by Blizzard's account Authenticators. Diablo 3 is
safe, Blizzard says, but a rapidly growing 75-page thread on the
official forums indicates Blizzard's explanation and assurances aren't
nearly enough for players concerned about account security.
Posting on the official Diablo 3 forums after a day filled with player
complaints and speculation about the overall security of our store,
Blizzard finally responded at roughly midnight EST.
"We'd like to take a moment to address the recent reports that suggested
that Diablo 3 may have been compromised. Historically, the release of a
new game -- such as a World of warcraft expansion -- will result in an
increase in reports of individual account compromises, and that's
exactly what we're seeing now with Diablo III. We know how frustrating
it can be to become the victim of account theft, and as always, we're
dedicated to doing everything we can to help our players keep their
Battle. net accounts safe -- and we appreciate everyone who's doing
their part to help protect their accounts as well. "
Blizzard went on to say that it's Authenticators "continue to be some of
the most effective measures" to safeguard accounts -- this despite
various players reporting their Authenticator-protected accounts were
Unsurprisingly, many players are not satisfied with Blizzard's
straightforward response, and the security of Diablo 3 is still being
called into question on the official forums. Read through the Diablo 3
security thread and you'll find plenty of posts that accuse Blizzard of
dodging blame, as you would expect. But there are also a few
oft-repeated topics that are worth noting:
1) Blizzard's Battle. net passwords are not case sensitive, a seemingly
simple way to improve security. Why would Blizzard not implement what
appears to be a no-brainer?
2) If Authenticators are so effective, and this volume of hacks is to be
expected, why wouldn't Blizzard require all players to add
Authenticator security?
3) It's just in-game gold and loot now, but what happens when Blizzard
launches theReal-Money Auction house? What additional security measures
will Blizzard require for RMAH use?
I've reached out to Blizzard with those same questions and will update this post with any response.